I have seen the light.

I have to say, I love my job. Love. It is everything I imagined it could be.

I truly thought I was going to have to change specialties and find another space in the nursing world where I could grow. I’m so thankful to say emergency medicine is, in fact, that place for me. It has taken a minute for me to find my footing in a new environment that is significantly larger than what I knew before, but I’m happy to say, I am getting there. There are still some protocols I struggle to remember and supplies I can never find, but it is all coming together nicely. My coworkers are kind and supportive. Management actually gives a flip about me as a person and what happens outside of the hospital. The schedule is so much easier on my body and brain. The best part? It’s five minutes from home.

I don’t know if anyone actually reads this or not, but if you are struggling mentally in an environment and you are not getting the support from your peers or managers, don’t be afraid to look for something else. I don’t care how long or short you have been a nurse. You will not learn and grow in an environment where your mental health suffers. I know nursing school was tough and you don’t want to “waste” your degree, but at what cost do you stay? If you cannot enjoy your life outside of work because of what happens at work, that is not a life you want to live. There are so many resources out there for new nurses up to and including finding a new job and maintaining financial stability. Trust me when I say, it is possible to find a job that you love and look forward to going back to.

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