Culture Shock

We learn all about the types of shock in nursing school. The causes, the symptoms, and the treatments. The shock they don’t teach you about is the stark difference between hospitals. I went up a trauma level and down about 15 stress levels.

It is very strange comparing my now two experiences. There is no yelling. There is no fighting. I have yet to see a set of double lock velcro restraints. In fact, I don’t even know where to find them. In the handful of shifts I have not been threatened and no one has bellowed “nurse” out their door. It’s actually a bit disorienting. I wasn’t completely sold on my choice at first, after all, the staff is not exactly outgoing and welcoming. They aren’t nasty or mean, they are just kind of ambivalent to my presence. There were a handful that say hi and introduced themselves, but no one rolled out the red carpet. Trust me though, I will win them over. It may take baked goods or amazing crafts, but let’s face it… my sparkling personality should be enough.

It is a steep learning curve with the charting but I think I’ve already got a decent handle on it. However, it isn’t just the charting system, but the charting style. I think that may lend considerably to the change in pace. I came from having to chart when a patient sneezed. Now, it is only by exception. Do you know how much time that saves? It’s incredible. Of course I’m still slower than molasses in January trying to find everything, but I think I’ve got a pretty good start.

I distinctly remember sitting in my car, talking to my bonus mom {who coincidentally is a total badass nurse as well} and crying my eyes out because I didn’t think I could continue to handle being an ER nurse. It was all just so overwhelming. And now I see that it was 50/50 me and the situation. I will accept that I was new and totally overwhelmed but holy snotrockets was that place was a mess. That being said, I learned so much, so fast; I didn’t have any other choice.

I wouldn’t trade my first job for the world. I think it really pushed me to grow exponentially in a very short amount of time. But I am so incredibly thankful to be where I am now. I’m looking forward to putting down roots and continuing to grow and learn.

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