Upward and Onward

My last post was the epitome of burnout. As a new grad, I was finding it very difficult for me to find my footing in the nursing world in the midst of pure chaos. I have spent the last month in a funk, that is until I figured out {or was gently informed} that I needed to find a way to be content with what life had for me now. If that meant staying where I was and enduring the commute and extra hours, I was going to do that. I had to find a way to be okay with what I had in hand.

Apparently, persistence pays off. I kept submitting my resume for positions that I wanted and even though I got more than a few “we are pursuing other candidates”, any time a new posting would go up, my resume was submitted. I finally got an interview, in person even, and a mere hours later I had an offer in my inbox. I was fully prepared to accept less money but as it turns out, I won’t have to. It’s not a lot, but it is once you consider the gas pump.

So there it is. New, terrifying, and wonderful things are on the horizon for me. I’m not looking forward to yet another transition. However, that is life and there really isn’t much to do about that. Hang on to your hats, folks. I’m sure there are more meltdowns in your future. In the mean time, I’m going to continue to learn and grow as a nurse… and go scrub shopping.

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