The Wisdom of Others

It took me a good while after I graduated to find influences on social media that were more than those memes that you laugh at because otherwise you would find yourself crying at the truth of it. However, once I found those people, it changed quite a bit for me. Looking at nursing in a positive light while still acknowledging the difficulties was new, but also these people gave me actual tools to make my life better. The best part, it is free. Sure they also offer classes and resources as well (they too need to feed their families), but I have found that the support of random strangers on the internet has done a lot for my outlook and well, inlook. {I know that isn’t really a word, but again, my blog, my weirdness, whether or not it is grammatically correct.}

That being said, if you are new to nursing or have been in it for more than a hot minute, please go check out WholeLifeNurse on Instagram. There are so many resources to be had, including my favorite, an anonymous income report. You won’t regret it.

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