Don’t look behind the curtain.

It only took a handful of weeks, but I have officially spent a drive home crying.  The weirdest part is I’m pretty sure it was a vortex of good and bad emotions.  I got my first taste of the bureaucracy of hospital life and I have to say, I’m not a fan.  It just so happened that on the same shift, I hiked up my big girl panties {I really hate that word, but there it is}, and just handled a patient by myself from EMS report to shift handoff.  I believe the rules are that I am not supposed to do that, but well, here we are.  Bonus points/kudos were earned with my preceptor so I don’t think I have anything to worry about.

I’m not going to lie.  Actually being in the ER and doing what I have always dreamed of is freaking surreal.  It feels like I’m just in clinicals and I only have a few shifts left to get in as much learning as I can.  Except I know that after that magical day when I no longer have a preceptor double checking everything I do, I still have coworkers who are willing to answer any question, check any charting, and generally just be an awesome support system.  At this point, I can’t tell if I’m more terrified or excited.

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