Right on time.

The first day, no week, of the semester is always a struggle for me.  Everything seems super overwhelming and you don’t quite have the rhythm down just yet.  Maybe it is isolated to my particular learning establishment, but the sheer volume of misinformation that they put out is astonishing.  Yesterday we received an email stating our class times.  Low and behold, it is incorrect.  The only reason we found out was because someone caught in on the course calendar.  Many people are now having to call into work, cancel appointments {that’s me}, and scramble to find childcare.  If this was the first or even second time something like this has happened, I think it wouldn’t bother me so much.  However, this is a regular occurrence over every single semester that I have attended for this program.  Am I crazy?  Is this normal in all nursing programs?

Either way, my final semester of nursing school us underway.  I have printed every document from our online resource, organized it all in a binder {complete with color-coded tabs}, and made sure my uniforms are ready to go.  I don’t know what else I can do to prepare for the craziness other than to brace myself and hang on tight.

Here’s to the final stretch!

Image result for final countdown gif

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