Do you hear that?


That is the sound of the collective sigh of relief from pretty much everyone in my cohort, but no one as loud as me, I believe.  I have to say, I am enjoying the down time very much.  I’m finding ways to refill my heart and soul which is basically baking and crafts.  The number of cookies that are in my house is absolutely insane and I have already given away dozens.  Fear not, I will also be sharing with my family when we head home for Christmas.  The Christmas crafts are bringing me great joy and much to my husband’s dismay, I keep finding reasons to buy more presents.  What can I say?  I love giving people gifts that make them smile even if receiving gifts makes me feel super awkward.

I know the last couple of posts were a bit… dramatic, maybe.  Worry not.  I’ve got my people and they are on my corner and they are amazing.  There is still some underlying “stuff” that is simmering under the surface, but it isn’t anything that can be resolved any time soon and must just be survived.

I am anxious and excited to hear where I will be posted for my preceptorship.  I’m sure that won’t be announced until days before I go to the hospital, but wherever I end up I am determined to learn as much as humanly possible.

So there it is, folks.  Winter break is doing good things for me.  I’m getting my optimism back and the anxiety is a a minimum.  Life is good.  In fact, it has always been good.

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