The end is near.

I am officially in the final push of this semester.  I have one more unit exam that is currently making me weep and then one lab and and a pair of exit exams.  {Somehow I think I could have made that into a 12 days of Christmas parody, but I do not have the brain space for that.}  I have to admit, I was woefully underproductive over the Thanksgiving break and instead of focusing on studying, I embraced the insanity that is my family and ultimately ate and drank far too much.  Let me tell you, it was a delightful break from reality.  And now, here I sit, staring at my textbook trying to will myself to be productive and study for the upcoming exam.  My focus is gone and my will to live is not far behind.

I’m not really sure what else I can do to force myself to focus and be productive.  I have cleaned my study space and created a comfortable, but well-lit atmosphere to promote my learning.  I have removed my phone and other temptations {minus my laptop} and I’m doing everything in my power to just keep reviewing material, even if it is in the most random order possible.  You would think I would be totally excited to be almost done, but I can’t lie to you, the Senior-itis is raging.  I keep entering random test scores to see how low of a grade I can get on this exam and still maintain a B.  Trust me, it’s not promising and even that isn’t motivating me.

So there you have it folks.  I have officially broken my give a damn and all I want to do is curl up on the couch with my puppies and watch every single Hallmark Christmas movie made.

Image result for hallmark movie gif

Jesus take the wheel and my laptop.

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