Heaven on a plate.

Here is yet another installment of “get in man belleh”.  Today I have for you… shrimp tacos!

Image result for taco gif

What I did was I took some frozen shrimp {let’s ignore the fact that I can access beautiful, delicious, amazing fresh shrimp}, defrosted, and then sautéed quickly in olive oil and my homemade taco seasoning (or just toss in some chili powder, cumin, onion powder, garlic powder, and lime juice).  Heat some corn tortillas in a frying pan {trust me}, top it with some shredded cabbage, whip up some mango salsa and shrimp taco sauce, and boom.  It’s a party in your mouth.

Here’s the important stuff:

Mango Salsa
Dice everything, toss it in a bowl, coat it with lime juice and let it sit for a hot minute.

  • 1 ripe mango
  • red onion
  • red bell pepper
  • avocado
  • cilantro
  • lime juice

Shrimp Taco Sauce
Stir everything in a bowl and plan to coat your tacos in delicious liquid fire.

  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
  • 1 teaspoons sriracha sauce {or more of you are feeling feisty}
  • water as needed to thin out the sauce to your preference

This one takes a bit more time, unless you prep everything the beforehand.  Then you are talking 30 minutes tops.  Honestly, it’s the mango salsa that takes the longest with the dicing and whatnot.

Enjoy, my friends!

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