Come on. Drink the Kool-Aid.

I’m not telling you to join a cult where Nike’s are the required footwear, but rather I’m currently participating in the latest trend… the enneagram personality test.

A few Christmases ago, my sister made us all sit around and take the test.  We read through the descriptions and that is where it ended.  Flash forward a few years and I watched a friend chronicle her fight with the enneagram test.  She was getting different results – one number when she answered in relation to her husband, another number when taking it considering related to the general public, and then she had friends telling her “Oh you are definitely a (insert number here).”  Very confusing, right?  If you then consider that I have gotten two different numbers based on my mood for the day, it doesn’t seem to be an exact science.

Image result for numbers swirling gif

Regardless of the oddities of taking the test and the lack of exact science {Because whose personality is exactly the same every day?  Not mine!  I like to keep my husband on his toes.} it is pretty close to center.  I am a dead ringer for a Type 2 {look it up}, but I often get Type 1 as well.  I asked my husband to take the test and he came up with a Type 5.  Guys, we are polar opposites and you know what?  It works!  I’m pretty sure Type 5 was the least likely match for me, so I turned to a great podcast (That Sounds Fun) that is going through all of the types and interviewing a man and a woman of each type.  The interviewees describe the why and how they do what they do and think.  This not only gave me validation and insight into my own personality “quirks”, but I am learning more about they why’s and how’s of how my husband works.  The hilarity is people energize me, and well, not so much for fives.  We are just going to call it Yin and Yang, because we are awesome together.

I really want to take time to think about the different personality types and match them to different areas of nursing, but let’s be real.  I barely have time for 20 minutes of exercise, I definitely don’t have time for that.  So if you are reading this and you have some time, feel free to jump on that.

If you are just dying to know your number(s), you can take the free test at My Enneagram Coach.  After all, everyone is doing it.

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