Here we go again.

Second verse, same as the first.  A little bit louder and a little bit worse.

That’s right, folks.  We are back at it again.  And by we, I mean me.  So far I have done really well at not giving in to my normal first day panic.  Granted, my mind has mostly been somewhere else, but I am really trying to focus on the fact that I can only do what I can do, and I can only do that one day at a time.  {Let’s not discuss the mild freak-out I had earlier tonight because my family had PB&J and eggs & toast for dinner.}

The first few days, at least for me, is this weird mix of ‘what exactly should I be doing’ and ‘holy crap there are a million things I should be doing’.  Currently, I’m chipping away {albeit, slowly} at the giant list of drug cards that need to be done this semester.  I figure if I can get them done now before things really get hot and heavy, it should buy me some time later for other all the other things that I will need to do.  It may very well be an exercise in futility, but in this moment, it is helping me feel like I’ve got things under control.  {No, I don’t have control issues.  Why do you ask?}

So far it seems I have things under control, but I’m not opposed to having a stock of paper bags laying around.  After all, we are talking about me here.

Image result for paper bag gif

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