A peek into my closet.

I won’t bore you with a picture of my actual closet, which is full of clothes I haven’t worn in months.  {Who goes from scrubs, aka professional pajamas, willingly back to “real” clothes?}  No, this one is more about the theoretical closet, where the skeletons hide.

One of the biggest worries I had about starting nursing school was whether or not I would find “my people” in the array of fellow nursing students.  I’m older than most traditional students and I don’t have time for drama or games {not to mention I have zero tolerance for excuses about why someone “forgot” to study}.  However, I have to say, I not only found my people, but they are amazing, supportive, hilarious, and most importantly, they like good food too.  {Our study groups are epically delicious.}

These people have done more than help me study, brought comedic relief, and encouraged me to keep pushing through.  These people have also become my sounding board for the shenanigans in my personal life.  My parents, who have been married for the better part of 45 years, are getting divorced.  If any of you readying this grab for your pearls, trust me when I say, this is a good thing.  {If you have had the unfortunate luck of being a child of a narcissist parent, you know.}  Needless to say, it has been an emotional roller-coaster, completely exhausting, and has resulted in me crying in class more times than I would like to admit.  {I would rather get a hundred dental cleanings than cry in front of people, and yet, here we are.}  Through it all, they have checked on me, bought me books to read {it’s the thought that counts}, and they have been equally, if not more invested in my mental wellbeing.  And that, is priceless.

I always balked at people who came out of nursing school with BFFs, but now I get it.  I don’t know if it is possible to get through this program without at least one other person in the program who becomes ‘your person’.  They can take notes when/if you are out, remind you of important dates, and most importantly, share snacks.  {Yes, my life mostly revolves around food.}

So if you are heading into the program, you need to find people.  Find your people.  Find them, and take care of them.  It goes both ways.

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