A tiny light.

As my first semester nears the end, I swear I can see a tiny little light somewhere far off in the distance… Except when I check the plethora of pockets in my scrubs, I seem to be missing something very important, my motivation.  I am so looking forward to my nine glorious days off before the insanity begins again.  I’m still waiting on clarification on my schedule for the summer, which is endlessly frustrating, but at least I have a good idea of what my days will look like.

The silver lining of starting a new semester (that is sure to be a hot, crazy mess) is that I get a new clinical sight.  It isn’t that my clinical sight this semester was bad, but I haven’t had the opportunity to work on clinical skills.  I am not being critical, I have definitely honed my therapeutic communication skills, but as for hands-on, there hasn’t been much, if anything at all.  I did luck out in that my clinical instructor is amazing and has found other ways to challenge me and set me up for success in the next semester.

I’m not sure if this is a normal occurrence or if this is an outlier.  Has anyone else had experience similar to this?

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