The world may stop spinning.

It is the first day of the semester and I have no idea in which building or room my classes are being held.  I have only purchased one of the two required books and that is because Amazon Prime sent one directly to my door.  The other I have to actually go on campus and purchase it from the bookstore.  This is not normal for me.  I’m the one that has all the books and supplies at least two weeks before classes start and probably even made a dry run to see how traffic behaves during the time of my commute.  But no.  Not this time.  This time I am scrambling the day of and going in blind.  (Note an underlying sense of sarcasm to this entire paragraph.  I fully acknowledge that my “normal” behavior is anything but normal.)

Up until this point, I have avoided going on campus at all costs; online classes are the best.  For the few courses I did take on campus, I found that the overwhelming smell of Axe body spray and the overabundance of leggings being worn as pants make my eye twitch.  The sheer volume of pheromones are enough to make anyone gag.  I am hopeful that because my classes are being held at night that the median age of the students may be just a smidge higher than those that are held during the day.  Alas, interaction with the youth of today is a necessary evil, but I don’t have to like it.

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