Is there a vaccine for that?

I have found that to prepare oneself for entrance into the nursing program you must fill out so, so many forms, take a ton of classes (obviously), pass the entrance exam, and hand over your checkbook to the university.  If this isn’t enough to make someone go a bit nutty, there’s more!  How about you find your vaccination records from when you were a child.  This is all fine and dandy, except I am a long way from being considered a child.  I’ve also moved to another state half way across the country and I’m on my third last name.

Welcome to the puzzle that is medical records!

I have scoured all of my files, and trust me, there are a lot of them.  Truth be told, I’m kind of a paperwork hoarder.  I have submitted a request to the hospital back home.  I asked my mom.  All I have to show for it is a letter stating that the hospital back home has no vaccinations on file for me.  In fact they have zero medical records at all.  I suspect someone just didn’t want to do their job and search based on all of the names I provided but then again I am a little jaded.  I am also waiting for a response about the chicken pox vaccine and if a titer would be sufficient.  That vaccine wasn’t around when I was a kid.  My mom just exposed all four of her kids to it at once to get it over and done with.  Yes, she is kind of insane, but in the best way possible.  The gangster kind of insane.  You know, old school.

In the mean time I’m giving my arms a bit of a pep talk because I’m sure it has been long enough that I will need at the very least a whole mess load of boosters.

Image result for vaccine gif funny

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